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The Choice Stepmoms Need To Make


I’m a wife, stepmom x3 and mom x 1. When I couldn’t find the stepmom support I was looking for, decided to create it myself. I love mac + cheese, distressed denim, sauvignon blanc and all things Dateline. 

Hey, I'm Jamie


Content, Coaching, Conversations + Support I don't share anywhere else 


In my first years as a stepmom, I’d get so anxious that my hands would shake. 

When my husband Darren would update me on the latest co-parenting disagreement, I wouldn’t be able to think about anything else. I was consumed. 

I felt like I had no control. My life was dictated by a legal agreement I had no part in creating. 

I was so confused about my role. 

I was supposed to be a parent, but remember I wasn’t the parent. 

I felt damned if I did, damned if I didn’t. 

I was good enough until I was not. A glorified babysitter. 

His ex made me feel so anxious and insecure. One time I even hid behind a fence so that she wouldn’t see me. She did. 

My husband and I were fighting, I was starting to resent the changes in my life. I even questioned my decision to say yes to marrying a man with three kids and an ex. 

It wasn’t good. 

Then one day I made the decision that changed my life forever. 

I decided that this was not going to be my life. I was not going to feel like this anymore. I was going to do the work on myself and my family. I was going to find a way to live the life that I wanted to live, amongst the extra stress that came with being a stepmom. 

If you’re reading this right now, chances are you can relate. 


My beautiful friend, making that simple decision changed everything. After a lot of work on myself and my family, my mission is to help you get here too. 

Through my podcast, this blog, coaching program and membership, The Exclusive Stepmom Community, I show stepmoms how to live a KICK-ASS life amongst the extra stress. 

This is not some fluffy claim either. It’s possible. 

The first thing you need to do is understand that change starts with you. 

Yes I said you. 

Forgot about all the ways people in your life are affecting all the things, and start to focus on yourself. Your reactions, your insecurities, your triggers. I know this may seem counter-productive, but this is the key.


Wondering where to start? Here are some posts.

[Read] Dating Someone With Kids? Here Is What You Need To Know

[Read] Hey Stepmom, You Don’t Have To Be A Push Over

[Read] 8 Things Stepmoms Should Stop Feeling Guilty About

[Read] 5 Tips For Dealing With A High-Conflict Ex

[Listen] How We Improved Our Stepfamily Life with Darren + Jamie

[Listen] Setting Boundaries, High Functioning Co-Dependency + A Game Change Stepmom Perspective with Terri Cole

[Listen] Dating A Man With Kids? Start Here. with Coach Sonia

[Listen] Overcoming Stepmom Insecurity With Vulnerability with Kit Rich

[Listen] Addicted To Chaos, High-Conflict Ex + When A Stepmom Should Call It Quits with Naja Hall

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The SEcret to improving your stepfamily life

They say there is no secret to improving your stepfamily life, but they're wrong. There is a secret. It starts with YOU clicking the link below. 

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