10 Daily Habits For A Thriving Stepmom Summer


I’m a wife, stepmom x3 and mom x 1. When I couldn’t find the stepmom support I was looking for, decided to create it myself. I love mac + cheese, distressed denim, sauvignon blanc and all things Dateline. 

Hey, I'm Jamie


Content, Coaching, Conversations + Support I don't share anywhere else 


You know the trend on IG “hot girl summer”?
It turned into the “healthy girl summer.”

This year, I’ve decided to take my own spin and make it a “thriving stepmom summer”.

I know many of you have been on summer vacation for a while. Here in Canada, we’re just getting started.

This last year, I’ve made some health and wellness changes that have revamped the way I feel. As I approach my 40th year, I am trying to be UBER-focused on looking and feeling my best.

For me, it’s all about taking radical responsibility for your life. As a stepmom, there are so many things in my life that are outside of my control. For the first couple of years, that’s all I focused on.

When I decided to turn inward and focus on my daily habits and how I am showing up every day, our family life took a huge shift.

I believe the best support and resources for stepmoms have nothing to do with being a stepmom. 

When I’m feeling my best, I am better able to handle extra stressors. I am a better wife, mom, stepmom, coach, friend and sister.

The older I get the more I see the importance of prioritizing me.

Thriving has a whole new meaning.

Here are a few of the habits I’m committed to this summer. They are contributing to my “thrive” in some way, shape, or form.

I’m a member of the 5am club, but only if it feels right that day. This summer is all about the slow mornings and 8 hours of sleep. Always adjust your alarm to when you go to bed (if your schedule permits of course).

My daily goal is 4 x 40oz in my Stanley. At least one of them has an LMNT Electrolyte pack.

My love for LMNT runs deep. Order through this link and get a free sample pack with your purchase. Pre-workout, during a workout, first thing in the morning or even with some tequila and soda. LMNT has no BS ingredients, everything you need and nothing you don’t when it comes to getting proper hydration. 

Each day, I take a few minutes and pull out my journal to set my intentions for the day. You know that saying, either you run the day or the day runs you? Well, it’s true.

Here are a few prompts: 

What am I going to let go? (remember, don’t sweat the small stuff)
What could cause me stress today? How am I going to respond if it does?
What do I need to get done to feel accomplished and content with my day? (3 things max)  
How do I want to feel today? 
How would the best version of me show up today?

When you’re triggered, stop and ask yourself

Does this REALLY matter?
Is it worth the impact it has on the vibe of my household?
Is it worth the battle?
Is it age-appropriate?
Would it be more effective to deal with this at a later time?

I have never loved working out. I don’t love it, but I do love how it makes me feel. 
I’ve started prioritizing weight training and getting my steps in again.

Don’t have a lot of time?
10 push-ups before bed.
Squats while you’re filling up your water.
Do a 15-minute workout when you feel like you don’t have time.
Something is better than nothing.

Skincare is a huge priority for me, especially as I near my 40th year. I love my LED Mask. The mask emits three clinically proven wavelengths of light red, yellow, and blue including near-infrared, that penetrate deep into the skin. This stimulates collagen production, diminishes fine lines and wrinkles, and reduces signs of sun damage and aging.

Yes please!

I have a code for you too! Use code JAMIE at checkout and get 20% off your mask.

And don’t forget SPF on your face every day! 

If you listen to The KICK-ASS Stepmom Podcast, you know that this year, I started following The Metabolic Reset Program.

If you listened to THIS podcast episode you know that this program has helped me lose the brain fog, have more energy, and drop close to 20lbs.

The program has taught me to pay attention to how I feel when it comes to certain foods. My ultimate goal in life is to feel my best. Eating for my body type has changed the game.

There are 8 rules while on this program, which includes managing stress, prioritizing sleep, eating for your body type (you get blood tested) and more…

I love a margarita and a glass of wine on the dock, so it’s all about balance.

This program has changed the way I look and eat and transformed my relationship with food. 

My husband Darren, sister and friends have hoped on board and had the same results. It’s game-changing.

When relationships get challenging, I remind myself that we’re all on our own journey in life. I cannot control another person; the only thing I can control is my own reactions. I have empathy towards people who are struggling and acting out/lashing out, but also have zero tolerance for that negativity in my life.

I am selective about the people I spend my time with. I want to feel supported and safe. If I don’t feel that way after our time together, it’s a no for me.

Constantly evaluating what’s working and what’s not in your life?
Are you feeling the way you want to feel?
Are your relationships feeling aligned?
Is what you’re doing working (when it comes to your role in your blended family life)?

Being able to check your go and critically evaluate what’s working in your life is a transformational habit. 

If you’re wondering if you should make some shifts, I recommend taking my 60-second Should You Disengage? quiz. You can find it here.

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