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Conflict With The Ex + Your Stepkids? Here’s What We Would Do


I’m a wife, stepmom x3 and mom x 1. When I couldn’t find the stepmom support I was looking for, decided to create it myself. I love mac + cheese, distressed denim, sauvignon blanc and all things Dateline. 

Hey, I'm Jamie


Content, Coaching, Conversations + Support I don't share anywhere else 


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Darren is back on the podcast. In this episode we dive into situations that you guys submitted on Instagram. You often want to know how we would handle stepfamily stress, so here you go! Here are some of the situations we dove into…

Q: My teenager makes regular comments about not wanting us to get married (4 years into it)

Q: If your stepchild doesn’t want you at their wedding. Does he go without you or not at all?

Q: Mom flew to another state with her BF and left stepkids to watch her son in the house alone… and she didn’t tell their dad.

Q: If stepkids have no interest in seeing their Dad and their mom is not encouraging them to go

Q: College-aged stepkid comes home from college, stays at bio moms, doesn’t tell us and tells younger SK not to tell us.

Q: My stepkid feels like it’s always about the our baby when we have to leave somewhere (I’m guessing this is because of the age)

Q: My in-laws invited my husband’s ex and their SO to stay at their house for 2.5 weeks

Q:When your partner seems defensive about their child – age 12

Q: when your mother in law keeps interfering with your parenting and thinks your husband should divorce you

Q: Grandparents overstep with your kids. Allow them to do something you wouldn’t.

Q: How do you handle kids wanting to live with you and not bio mom.

Q: Sister-in-law invited stepkids via the ex to a family birthday party after we had already RSVPed no.

Q: Do we let the exes snide comments about me/us slide or address them

Q: If one of Darren’s kids and ex-wife did not want you at their graduation ceremony

Q: If your husband is still flirting with his ex and ex feels entitled since he has known her longer

Q: If you knew HCBM was violating DV probation again would you hire a private investigator?

Q: SD doesn’t want to contact BM at all when on holiday or with regard to any event. She resides with us.

Q: She didn’t raise child support she could have, do we lower it now that we can My husband thinks we should while I value the peace we’ve had for a while

Q: We haven’t spoken to my 22 year old Sd since 2020 and my 17-year-old SD says she’ll be the same

Q:Respecting other parents’ time. Boundaries on communication.
– not parenting time.

Q: If Maddie in her 20s came home with a BF that had kids, would you advise against it?

Q: What would you do if your marriage was no longer serving you (Especially when the kids were younger)

Q: How to best support each other, professionally, self-care, with the kids


Interested in the Life Edit with Krista Williams of Almost 30? Visit www.jamiescrimgeour.com/lifeedit and use code JAMIE for 20% off.

This episode is sponsored by NuCalm. Use code JAMIE10 for 10% off your subscription at www.nucalm.com.

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