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Hello, hello welcome back to the podcast!
First off, when you listen to this week’s episode, you may notice some changes. New name, new intro and new cover art. We’ve made some changes to the podcast. A re-brand if you will!
The Jamie Scrimgeour Podcast is now The KICK-ASS Stepmom Podcast.
When I first started this podcast I didn’t know anything about podcasting. To be honest, I still don’t know a lot. I basically ordered a mic, found someone to edit the podcast for me (Hi Max), and started recording.
You may be wondering (or maybe you’re not but I am going to tell you anyways) what inspired this change.
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about this platform and where I want to go with it, specifically what I want to concentrate on.
I’ve been dipping my toes into YouTube, video, Blogs and podcasts. It’s been amazing to try it all, BUT you can only do so many things if you want to do them well. I’m feeling this urge to simplify – in life and on this platform.
I starting to adapt a less is more approach. A worker smarter not harder attitude.
To sum it up, we’re going all in on the podcast!
Now if you’re one of my non-stepmom listeners, you may be asking yourself – does this mean that I the content is going to be all stepmom related now?
No. Not at all.
I’ve said this before, but I don’t want to just talk about step-parenting and blended family life. Frig, if we are being completely honest, sometimes I don’t want to be a stepmom let alone talk about it all day
(kidding… not really).
I am all about living a KICK-ASS Life… I say it all the time, it’s part of the names of my programs, it’s in my bio and description. I’m a “what’s next, how do we do things better around here” kind of person.
When I say, I want to show you how to live a KICK-ASS Life amongst the extra stressors that come with being a stepmom…
I really mean… I want to show you how to thrive amongst the tough stuff in life.
Here’s the thing. Being a KICK-ASS Stepmom isn’t just about talking about stepmom life all the time. In my e-book, 101 Ways To Be A KICK-ASS Stepmom – I say that thriving as a stepmom doesn’t come from a book about stepmom life. It comes from working on yourself, focusing on your relationships, developing confidence in who you are,
Sometimes living a KICK-ASS life and feeling good comes down to a really great sweater and leggings that make your butt look good, or having a capsule wardrobe that makes you feel confident, or a banging tinted moisturizer that makes your skin look amazing.
It comes from finding motivation to work out with a new strategy or great pair of workout tights.
I’m sharing all that too! (You can now shop my closet and my favs in the SHOP section of this site).
A few weeks ago I turned 35. I’m not going it lie, it was a weird birthday. It’s an odd feeling to know that I am closer to 40 than I am 30. In this episode of The Kick-Ass Stepmom Podcast I share where my head is at as I go into my 35th year.
To sum it up, it’s all about simplifying, delegating, finding the lesson and owning your shhhh. In this episode I share some mindset shifts that have helped me deal with the tough stuff in life and feel more in control of often uncontrollable situations.
Have a listen and be sure to let me know what you think!

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