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This week on The KICK-ASS Stepmom Podcast, I am sitting down with Divorce Lawyer Morgan Stogsdill and Comedian Andrea Rappaport of the How Not To Suck A Divorce Podcast to dive into the importance of finding a good lawyer, a stepmom role in court and all things divorce.
This conversation is full of practical tips and advice including:
- Why you need a good lawyer
- Why you should interview 3 lawyers before hiring one
- What holds people back in the divorce process
- A stepmom’s role in Court
- The truth about child support
and so much more!
Follow them on Instagram: @hownottosuckatdivorce
Check out their Website: hownottosuckatdivorce.com
Listen to their Podcast: How Not to Suck at Divorce on Apple Podcasts
Check out their Divorce Crash Course: How not to Suck at Divorce – Divorce Guide
Cozy Earth: cozyearth.com/COZYJAMIE40 and use the code COZYJAMIE40 for 40% off
Stepmom Life Coaching and Mentorship: www.jamiescrimgeour.com/coaching
Jen’s Metabolic Reset Program: https://www.jentherhn.com save $100 with the code KICKASSSTEPMOM
I’ve got you. Members of The KICK-ASS Stepmom Community get access to a library of members-only podcast episodes, including interviews with all the top experts AND coaching calls with fellow stepmoms.
Episodes include
- Estate planning in blended families
- How to save money on lawyers’ bills
- What is child support really for?
- What Is A Section 7 Expenses + How To Stop Arguing Over Expenses?
- How Knowing Your Attachment Style Can Improve Your Stepfamily Life
- Eliminate Fear and Need For Control
- What The Ex Did Will Blow Your Mind + Dealing With Teenage Attitude.
Learn more about The KICK-ASS Stepmom Community by clicking here.
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