I’ve had some inspiring conversations over the past couple weeks. From big names like Gabrielle Bernstein to fellow likeminded stepmoms like Kim Rose and Mindy Kyle – the conversations were next level.
In fact, there was a common theme in all of these interviews…
The theme can be summed up with the popular saying
”hurt people, hurt people”
“the way people treat you is more about them than it is about you”.
People who are happy and secure don’t try and make other people’s lives more difficult. They don’t cause drama. They don’t judge.
High conflict + judgemental people are hurt, wounded and struggling to deal with their emotions.
Often, it’s too difficult and uncomfortable to look at our own stuff, so we project it on others. We take it out on other people.
AGAIN. Happy, content, thriving people do not seek out conflict.
Today I want you to do something.
And before you say “Jamie have you lost your damn mind?” hear me out.

I want you to send the ex (or anyone who is causing you issues) positive vibes.
If you pray, pray for them.
If you send love, do that.
Wish them well.
Wish them happiness and contentment.
I was listening to the Judgement Detox by Gabby Bernstein on audible the other day.
She told the story about a time when her mentor encouraged her to pray for those she was in conflict with. Her mentor said something along the lines of “pray that they get what you want for yourself”.
Happiness. Peace. Contentment.
Now its your turn. Pray that the ex gets what you want for yourself.
Think about it.
Hurt people, hurt people.
If they find their way, everyone wins.
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