10 Reasons To Join The KICK-ASS Stepmom Community


I’m a wife, stepmom x3 and mom x 1. When I couldn’t find the stepmom support I was looking for, decided to create it myself. I love mac + cheese, distressed denim, sauvignon blanc and all things Dateline. 

Hey, I'm Jamie


Content, Coaching, Conversations + Support I don't share anywhere else 


Stepmom Community

Looking for stepmom coaching, support and community? I get it. When I first became a stepmom I was craving the same thing.

However, when I went to the internet for support, I was disappointed in what I found.

Amongst all the resources for moms, there were very few solution-focused resources for stepmoms. All I found was a lot of bitching, complaining and ex-wife bashing.

And hey, I get we all need a good vent session every once and a while. But we also need strategies on how to improve our situations.

I wanted tools to improve relationships, feel more in control of my life and thrive in this ever so complicated role.

When I couldn’t find the support I wanted, I started to do the work myself.

After doing a lot of work on myself and my family, I created the type of support I had been looking for.

When I started to share things online, I received messages from stepmoms telling me that they wanted to comment on my posts, but they didn’t want the ex to see what they said.

I get it. The stepmom stigma is still a real thing.

While moms are encouraged to keep it real, stepmoms are judged for doing the same.

This inspired me to create The KICK-ASS Stepmom Community, formerly (The Exclusive Stepmom Community), which is a membership for stepmoms, completely off social media.

Within an hour of opening the membership, over 250 stepmoms joined. Just a few years later, we have supported thousands of stepmoms from over 30 countries worldwide.

Wondering if the KICK-ASS Stepmom Community is right for you?

Here are ten reasons to join.

1. You’ll have access to coaching and support whenever you struggle. You can connect with me in the private chatroom, hop on my biweekly office hours or apply for a complimentary 20–30-minute call.

2. It’s like a Netflix of stepmom support – with a library of interviews and exclusive podcast episodes with top experts, you can binge years’ worth of content or scroll through to find the interviews that fit best for you.

3. You get access to game-changing advice from lawyers, estate planners, parenting experts, therapists and more.

4. It’s a safe space off social media – no one needs to know you’re a member. You can even change your name so that it’s completely anonymous.

5. Feel like you’re alone? I’ll show you that you’re not. You can even listen to my calls with fellow members on the members-only podcast.

6. You can connect with stepmoms from over 30 countries worldwide.

7. It’s a place to create real stepmom connections – so many real-life friendships and meet-ups have happened after stepmoms connect in the chatroom.

8. Not into the chatroom thing? Cool. You can dive into the interviews and workshops on your own time.

9. You get a 20% off one-on-one coaching and my signature course, Redefine Step-Motherhood: KICK-ASS STEPMOM 101. 

10. You get access to all my workshops, including

How To Disengage The Right Way
How To Improve Your Relationship With Your Stepkids
How To Communicate With Your Partner About Your Stepfamily Stress
How to Set The Foundation For Stepmom Success 


I love how this community truly commits to helping. Not judging, not condemning, but really helping women who are struggling to have a life they deserve and desire.

I have greatly benefited from this community. All the other support I found was negative and draining and discouraging. Jamie and the community she has created is empowering and practical and thoughtful, especially when you love a man with kids and it’s hard and you want to make it work! Highly recommend!!!

The KICK-ASS Stepmom Community is the resource I never knew I needed. The monthly interviews with experts are invaluable. Jamie’s guests cover such a wide range of topics, and they all apply. I also appreciate when Jamie has Darren on and they can candidly share their own stressors and how they’re managing. It makes me feel so much more human.

I love knowing I have a resource as a stepmom. I know I can jump into the community at any time and learn and grown when I’m ready. That gives me comfort and stability, even if I don’t use it on the daily.

The community has changed my life.
It’s allowed me to see that I am not alone and that my stressors are similar to what others are going through. It has given me the tools and knowledge to make my life, and that of my stepkids and husband’s better.

This community has helped me realize that my feelings are valid and normal, and Jamie’s advice has definitely help me put in the work and change my mindset! It offers so many different tools and support no matter what your struggles are in your stepfamily life. I am so grateful for Jamie, and for the community she has built here!

This community has really helped me feel sane when I have been at my lowest and most anxious times. Being able to share in the forum my most vulnerable thoughts and to see that I am not alone in my feelings has really helped me overcome some serious hurdles. I’m really grateful!

I think the KICK-ASS Stepmom Community is absolutely amazing!!! There are not a lot of places on the internet where you can get step-parenting advice without all the bashing. We all need to vent sometimes, but at the end of the day, we need a solution. The KICK-ASS Stepmom Community has provided me with so many tips on how to navigate this crazy life I live!

This membership has been a game-changer for my family. It has helped to bring peace into my home and relationships. It feels so relieving to read other people that are struggling with the same issues, so you don’t feel so alone and that it’s “normal” for blended families! Thank you to Jamie for creating the space and for all the women who are vulnerable to share their stories to help others

This community is a Godsend! I had ZERO close friends or family who were stepmoms and even my friends who have children of their own didn’t understand. Nor could their advice quite fit my situation… When I read Jamie’s book and listened to her coaching calls and interviews with experts, I laughed because I identified 100% with what I heard, and I still exclaim, “Yes! Bingo! You got it!” Even now, when I listen and read it again. The advice is spot on and it’s a huge relief not to feel so alone, frustrated and helpless.

The KICK-ASS Stepmom Community is an awesome place for women to come and get advice from other women who have been in the same place. To have a group of people that can empathize and help you is a wonderful thing, and it is nice to know we aren’t alone in these feelings.

I love having a place to read other stepmoms struggles and not feel so alone on an island of this crazy family dynamic.

The KICK-ASS Stepmom Community has been a lifesaver to find other women in similar positions. All of our families operate differently, but we all understand what it’s like being in this blended world. It’s an amazing community of support and has women to pump you up when you need it, offer a virtual shoulder to cry on, give some tangible advice, and sometimes the tough love you really need to hear. This community truly embodies what it means to be a community and I’m so happy I found it

This community has brought me so much help and comfort over the years
. To know I’m not alone and to see others with the same feelings and struggles is both sad but so helpful! People say they need a manual to be a mom. We need a library to be a stepmom. My dynamic shifts every time we deal with the high conflict ex or my relationship changes with my SD. Having this community during each change is the biggest help.

The KICK-ASS Stepmom Community literally helped transform me, my mindset, how I handle situations. How I portray myself really dictates the vibe of our home. I know if I feel a difference in our home from a year ago, so does the rest of my family.

The KICK-ASS Stepmom Community has created a network of amazing, strong women that I know I can lean into for advice and wisdom in a way that no one else will understand. It is an awesome place to go for support and positivity to help navigate a world that not everyone understands. I don’t know what I’d do without the support.


Click here to join the highly acclaimed KICK-ASS Stepmom Community
(for stepmoms who want to live a KICK-ASS Life)
For a limited time, use the code IMIN to get 15% off an annual or monthly subscription.

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