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This episode is a reflection on 2022 and where my head is at going into 2023. I am reflecting on my personal life, marriage, motherhood, step motherhood and my business.
In this episode
- Reflecting on where my head is at coming out of this year and the realizations I have had
- The need for whitespace and peace and being done with the hustle
- Getting more output for my input
- Passive aggressive posts on social media
- Weight gain and leaving tight jeans behind
- Taking radical responsibility for my life
and SO much more!
— Jamie
I’m back: Social Media Detox, Adult Stepkids, How I’m Really Doing?
Reflecting on 2021 and Setting Intentions for 2022 with Darren
I Didn’t Meet Any Goals. A Birthday Reflection + What’s Next
Thanks to Cozy Earth for sponsoring this episode. Listeners of The KICK-ASS Stepmom Podcast can get 40% off your order with the code COZYJAMIE40
Thanks to Better Help for sponsoring this episode. Click here for 10% off your first month.
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