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This week on The KICK-ASS Stepmom Podcast, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Best-Selling Author Dr. Sherrie Campbell is back on the show. Sherri specializes in helping healthy people cut ties with toxic people in their lives and the story she shares today goes deep on how (and why) this work is so important.
In this episode, we dive into her personal experience as a child of divorce with multiple step-parents and how it has shown up in her relationships today, including her role as a stepmom. This interview is raw, personable and vulnerable and an important one for all stepmoms to hear.
For more from Dr. Sherrie, find her on IG @dr.sherrie
Listen to: 239. Parental Alienation, Narcissism + High-Conflict Ex with Dr. Sherrie Campbell here.
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I’ve got you. Members of KICK-ASS Stepmom get access to a library of members-only podcast episodes, including interviews with all the top experts AND coaching calls with fellow stepmoms.
Episodes include
- Estate planning in blended families
- How to save money on lawyers’ bills
- What is child support really for?
- What Is A Section 7 Expenses + How To Stop Arguing Over Expenses?
- How Knowing Your Attachment Style Can Improve Your Stepfamily Life
- Eliminate Fear and Need For Control
- What The Ex Did Will Blow Your Mind + Dealing With Teenage Attitude.
Learn more about KICK-ASS Stepmom by clicking here.
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