10 Things I Want My Daughter To Know


I’m a wife, stepmom x3 and mom x 1. When I couldn’t find the stepmom support I was looking for, decided to create it myself. I love mac + cheese, distressed denim, sauvignon blanc and all things Dateline. 



Content, Coaching, Conversations + Support I don't share anywhere else 



I love this age. My daughter turns three in just under a month and I have to say this is my favourite age yet. Even though it is heart breaking that my baby girl, is no longer a baby girl, watching her grow into the spunky, kind-hearted, funny kid that she is, makes my heart do things I didn’t know were possible.

It’s also makes me think… a lot. Specifically about who I am as a parent and what I want to teach this young impressionable little girl.

It’s no longer about skin-to-skin and feeding schedules. It’s about supporting her in becoming a caring, kind-hearted, successful and ambitious human being.

When it comes to the way I parent my daughter (and step-children) I keep coming back to these two sayings….

Be who you needed when you were a child


What do you want your kids to remember about their childhood?

When I feel in-over-my-head about this whole motherhood gig, these statements remind me what is truly important, and what I want to make sure that my daughter knows….

The list is ever-evolving. But here is what I have so far!

The 10 Things I Want My Daughter To Know… 

1. My world changed the day you were born.

The way I love, the way I live, the way I look at everything. You were the missing piece, I didn’t know I was missing.

2. You can come to me with any problem, any time. I will ALWAYS be here for you.

Right now, I will solve your problems for you. I will make everything right in your world. However there will come a time, when I won’t be able to make them go away.

My job as your mom is to teach you everything you need to know to plow through the tough times and come out on top. Because honey, there will be tough times. There will be very tough times.

In those tough times, remember, even when your all grown up and able to solve life’s challenges on your own, I will still be there in your corner.  Always.

3. I will never turn my back

I see motherhood as a 24-hour-a-day life long job. I will always be there for you. Even when you’re all grown up. As long as I am alive, I will be there.

 In the middle of the night, after you’ve made a monumental mistake, when you’re embarrassed, ashamed, confused, heartbroken, scared and don’t know where to turn. I will be there. Always. I will never turn my back.

4. Learn to cursive write.

They don’t teach it in schools anymore, but don’t brush it off. It’s a lost art. Plus it’s pretty embarrassing when you’re asked to sign a document and can barely sign your own name.

5. People can be cruel, selfish and ruthless. But they can also be beautiful giving, selfless, inspiring  and full of love

Find the second type of of people. Surround yourself with them, learn from them and be inspired by them. The way you see the world is shaped by the people you choose to surround yourself with. When you feel like the world is a dark and lonely place, take a look around and re-evaluate the people you are surrounding yourself with.

6. Be kind, but take no shit.

You can still be empathetic, loving and kind while advocating for yourself and the people you love. Don’t be a doormat and don’t tolerate disrespect.

7. Share.

Even if they don’t share with you. Share.

8. Laugh everyday.

If you’re not laughing in life, something needs to change.

9. You will make mistakes. Lots of them.

I promise you that. Just remember, you are not defined by the mistakes you make. You’re defined by the lessons you learn from them.

10. Smile at people when you pass them on the street.

People don’t do this as much anymore, because they have their head down in their phones or caught up in their never ending to-do list.  It’s sad because a simple smile from a stranger can change someones’s day.

And sweet girl, that smile is so beautiful that you just HAVE to share it with the world!

… that’s all … for now!

Be sure to come follow along on Instagram and Facebook! 

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